
Have you ever been faced with difficulty writing after finishing a big, high-energy project? I know I have. It usually starts out as me telling myself I’ve earned a (brief) break after burning the midnight oil to finish something. The problem usually is, brief often becomes prolonged. I know, I really pushed to get Mik Murdoch 2 finished. I wrote more than 30,000 words in under 2-weeks to ensure it would be complete by the end of my holidays. Then I took a short break. I didn’t fall into the trap of letting it extend. I immediately followed that up with two short stories I had been meaning to write for two anthologies. That also was a relatively fast write […]

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Get Published Episode 118 – Veronica Giguere Talks Audio Books

I listen to a lot of podcast fiction and one name that keeps coming up as a narrator extraordinaire is Veronica Giguere. I had the opportunity to meet Veronica at Balticon last May and she is pretty amazing to put it mildly. I knew I had to get her on the show. And today, you will have the opportunity to listen to my interview with Veronica where we talk about audio books and narration and bunch of other things. I also have been working on something with my publisher that I think will be a game changer for any authors out there who do signings and appearances. I talk about that in the Tips and Typos section. Finally, before we […]

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Finishing Projects/Ignoring the Shiney

One of the challenges that I face regularly is too many great ideas to work on. That may not sound like a challenge, but trust me, it is. If I give in to the temptation to start new projects every time I get an idea I would never finish the ones I’m already working on. Take my current load of projects. I have my recurring podcast, Get Published, Mik Murdoch: The Power Within final polish for submission, submitting Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty not to mention the marketing for my two books (ahem, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil). There are other things on the go, but those […]

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I’m a Real Writer

It’s amazing how hard it can be to admit to myself that I’m a real writer. I mean, I’ve written several books (one of which has been published), several short stories (some of which have been published) and edited a book (which has been published). I’m even being paid regular royalties which, by definition, even makes me a professional writer. Today, though, I feel like a writer. I even feel like a professional writer. What has changed? Well, as you may know, I attended When Words Collide last weekend. For those of you who don’t know, WWC is a literary festival for readers and writers held every August. I launched Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero last year and this year we did a reading for A Method […]

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