Finishing Projects/Ignoring the Shiney

One of the challenges that I face regularly is too many great ideas to work on. That may not sound like a challenge, but trust me, it is. If I give in to the temptation to start new projects every time I get an idea I would never finish the ones I’m already working on.

Take my current load of projects. I have my recurring podcast, Get Published, Mik Murdoch: The Power Within final polish for submission, submitting Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty not to mention the marketing for my two books (ahem, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil).

There are other things on the go, but those are the majority of the MAJOR writing/podcasting projects.

But what could possibly pull me away from all those awesome projects?

Well, I need to prepare for the second season of Action Pack Podcast (hint, it will be GalaxyBillies, book 2), I have two anthologies to write for AND I have a self-publishing adventure I want to start. Oh yeah, I want to play around in Wattpad too.

That’s only the tip of the iceberg, of course. There are plenty of writing projects I’d like to get to that will have to wait for the current books (and series) to be finished first.

I have to remain diligent and stay the course otherwise I won’t ever get anything done.

So, I’ve been noting all those other projects I want to do for later. I’ve been plugging away to get the current projects out of the way.

With any luck, the work I’m doing now will allow me to have a book (or books) out next year.

Wish me luck.


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