Get Published Episode 56 – Jennifer Hudock & The Goblin Market

Happy May Day to those of you who celebrate it. We don’t observe May Day in Canada but I still love May 1st. It has always meant Spring to me and the beginning of great things to come. Maybe it’s because I can finally see the end of another long winter. This year it also helps highlight just how much I have going on. I guess I’d better get moving on all those projects. Since I wanted to mark the beginning of May in style, I am delighted to have both Jenny Hudock and CA Marshall on the show. Both are great ladies and people I highly recommend you get to know if you can. Jenny and I talk about […]

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Get Published Episode 55 – David B. Coe Talks About the Writing Life

I met David B. Coe at a local convention last year when we both sat a writing panel for beginners.  He sat at one end of the panel table and I sat the other. Pretty appropriate when you compare our writing journeys thus far. We were chatting after the panel and I asked if he would be interested in coming on Get Published. He gave me a hearty yes and we exchanged contact information. I am pleased to say that you will hear our discussion today. I knew even before we connected that it would be a great conversation. David is a great writer who has already had a long and successful career. I was pretty confident that we would […]

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Staying on Track

There are days when I wonder if I’m crazy. I have several commitments every week both at home and away. I work full-time and I try to do things around the house. Oh yeah, and there’s that writing thing too. I currently have six short stories I want to write. The trouble is, they all need to be done in the next two months. The problem with that is I also have NaNoWriMo looming over me in November. As any of you who have a calendar in front of you can probably tell, that’s a lot of writing to finish in the next week or so. In fact, it is so much that I simply cannot do it all. That […]

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