Get Published Episode 56 – Jennifer Hudock & The Goblin Market

Happy May Day to those of you who celebrate it.

We don’t observe May Day in Canada but I still love May 1st. It has always meant Spring to me and the beginning of great things to come. Maybe it’s because I can finally see the end of another long winter. This year it also helps highlight just how much I have going on. I guess I’d better get moving on all those projects.

Since I wanted to mark the beginning of May in style, I am delighted to have both Jenny Hudock and CA Marshall on the show.

Both are great ladies and people I highly recommend you get to know if you can.

Jenny and I talk about her first venture into self publishing with her book Goblin Market and Cassandra talks about formatting. I learned a lot from both and I know you will too.

So with that, Happy May 1st and on with the show. Enjoy.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 56 – Jennifer Hudock & The Goblin Market

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 56 – Jennifer Hudock & The Goblin Market

Welcome to the show.

01:19 — Promo – The Shrinking Man Project

02:25— Tips and Typos – Get Published Episode 56 – Jennifer Hudock & The Goblin Market (continued)

  • CA Marshall talks about formatting your manuscript for submission
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments

08:24 – Promo – View from Valhalla

08:37 — Get Published Episode 56 – Jennifer Hudock & The Goblin Market (continued)

Jennifer Hudock has been writing for a long time and has just released her first self-published novel, The Goblin Market. Jennifer talks about getting the book finished and ready for publishing, what she has done and is still doing to promote it and what she is working on now.

56:43 — Promo – Explorers Anthology

58:06 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

Jennifer Hudock –

The Shrinking Man Project –

View from Valhalla –

Explorers Anthology –

CA Marshall –

