Get Published Episode 55 – David B. Coe Talks About the Writing Life

I met David B. Coe at a local convention last year when we both sat a writing panel for beginners.  He sat at one end of the panel table and I sat the other. Pretty appropriate when you compare our writing journeys thus far.

We were chatting after the panel and I asked if he would be interested in coming on Get Published. He gave me a hearty yes and we exchanged contact information. I am pleased to say that you will hear our discussion today.

I knew even before we connected that it would be a great conversation. David is a great writer who has already had a long and successful career. I was pretty confident that we would exceed my normal interview length and I wasn’t wrong.  Because I don’t want to break the interview into two episodes and because I don’t want to go too far past the one hour mark, I will not have a tips and typos section in this episode.

One last thing; the Parsec awards nominations are now open for 2011. If you have listened to this show and enjoyed it, I would appreciate a nomination. The category that best suits Get Published is “Best Podcast about Speculative Fiction Content Creation”.

I would also love a nomination for GalaxyBillies in Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Long Form).

Thank you for your consideration and enjoy the show.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 55 – David B. Coe Talks About the Writing Life

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 55 – David B. Coe Talks About the Writing Life

Welcome to the show.

01:42 – Promo – View from Valhalla

01:56 — Get Published Episode 55 – David B. Coe Talks About the Writing Life (continued)

David B. Coe talks about being a full-time writer and the successes and challenges he has faced in his 17-year career. He also talks about his new pseudonym, DB Jackson, the writing site (of which he is a founder and contributor – btw, he has contributed to the writing book: “How to write magical words, a writer’s companion” as part of the site) and his movie adaptation of Robin Hood.

59:03 — Promo – Geek Out With Mainframe

59:43 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

David B. Coe –

DB Jackson –

Magical –

View from Valhalla –

Geek Out With Mainframe –


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