
I don’t know about you, but I crave feedback.  Feedback about my writing, feedback about my job, feedback… well you get the point.  And yet, that thing I crave seems to be one of the hardest things to come by.

I’ll admit, I haven’t always been as forthcoming with it myself, so maybe I shouldn’t expect others to provide it either.  Still…

When I submitted my book the first time, I purposely chose a publisher that asked for the entire manuscript up front.  My reasoning was, if they were going to read the entire thing, they would be more likely to comment on what worked and what didn’t.  What I didn’t consider was that they had to read the entire manuscript from every single submitter.  Who could possibly have the time to write comments on all the submissions.

As you can probably tell, the manuscript was returned, rejected and without any feedback whatsoever.  I was sorely disappointed, I can tell you.  Especially since I had spent in excess of $50.00 to send it and get it back intact.  So much for sending out the entire manuscript.

The second time I sent it, I only sent the first 3 chapters with a synopsis.  This time, I chose a publisher who said they would respond via email if I so chose.  So I didn’t send a return envelope and asked them to contact me via email.

The email I finally received was polite and more interesting than my first rejection.  But it was still a rejection and it didn’t offer me any more feedback than the first.

What’s a writer to do?  I have decided to enter “The Writing Show’s” First Chapter contest.  Guaranteed 750 words of Feedback.

I must admit, though, regardless of what is said, I’m not giving up on my ambition to become a professional writer.  I have now seen the submission draft of a friend’s book that was accepted some time ago.  It doesn’t really resemble the final draft much.  If he can do it, so can I.

Still, it’s always nice to get an unbiased opinion.

And it has opened my eyes to my own decisions too.  I should be more forthcoming with the feedback for others too.  Tell them when they’ve done a good job and even when it hasn’t been quite as good.  Tell them where I think they can improve.

Maybe if I start giving it out, I’ll receive it too.


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