Trust may be the only thing that can save you…or betray you. When his family disappears, Kalten knows he must find them at any cost. […]
Read moreDay 19 – I’m in the home stretch
I’m happy to say I’m finally in the home stretch with my novel, Mik Murdoch 5 (final name still pending). I’ve brought a number of disparate elements together (not to mention characters) and the plan for the final battle is underway. This is where the fun really begins! Writers fatigue sometimes sets in here I’ve heard anecdotally that this is approximately where writers start to run out of gas. They’ve been focused on building their story and they are simply tired of the book. I will admit, I’ve been there myself. What is keeping motivated (besides trying to win NaNoWriMo) is all the material I’ve managed to write that is building up to the final climax. I’m giving a lot […]
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