Day 27 – Almost done

My day 27 writing saw me so close to being done it wasn’t funny.

As you know by now, NaNoWriMo is all about writing 50,000 words in 30 days. By the end of my writing day, I was at 48,002 words. Less than 2,000 away from completing the challenge.

The other measure – that of my book being complete – also shows me almost finished. I had a goal of 60,000 words for Mik Murdoch 5 and, as of the end of day I was at 59,994.

Why the discrepancy? I started writing Mik Murdoch 5 a couple years ago. After several false starts, I did have a few chapters complete before I started NaNoWriMo. My intention was to finish the book with 50,000 new words (give or take). As of end of day, I was only 6 words shy of accomplishing that.

How will I finish?

This is the big scene. It is the climax of the story. I was saving it because I know it will be exciting and fun to write. I wanted to finish on a personal high note. I also love writing edge of your seat scenes. They just flow and drag me along for the ride.

And before you ask, yes, I’ve already written the final chapter. I know how the story ends. 🙂

What’s coming after this?

I reached out to my co-author, JR Murdoch. I am delighted to say, he is on board with writing the next chapter in the Jack Kane saga. This is a book we started quite some time ago and, with life, the plague and life happening, it fell by the wayside.

We’ve both wanted to finish Jack’s story (I think we decided on 4 books) and this is the right time for us to pick up the pen, so to speak.

Writing the next Jack Kane is an exciting proposition for me. First of all, the book is already started. Second, the book is plotted, so we just have to write. Third, I enjoy working with JR and Fourth and final, Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty is still the book I’ve had the most fun writing.

All great reasons to make that the first of the three books I plan to write in 2024.

Daily word count: 1,801 (Total word count to date: 40,002)


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