NaNoWriMo – Day 24

If you were watching for my update yesterday evening you are probably wondering what happened. Did I forget?

In actuality, I made a conscious decision not to write yesterday. Over the past several weeks I have been staying up well past my bedtime to write and it was definitely catching up with me. So, instead of writing in the evening after everything was done for the day, I decided to go to bed early.

I don’t think it was a waste of time either. I’ve noticed that my creativity hasn’t quite been as high over the last couple weeks as it has previously. I’m hoping that by having a little extra sleep and a writing break of a day, that will improve. This is an important time right now. I have to come up with two endings and they both need to be good.

So there you have it. Not forgotten. I just took a break.

See you later tonight.


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