The Plate Overflows

The weather is cooling off, the sun is going down earlier and the kids are back in school. It must be fall. Time to switch gears once again.

Fall means a lot of changes to my schedule. I add both Scouts and Cub Scouts to my week (Scouts are Monday and Cubs are Tuesday), plus campouts. That sucks a lot of time. Time I’ve been using to write and podcast.

So what do I give up?

Well, actually, I’m not going to give anything up. Part of the reason for that is I will be finishing GalaxyBillies in the next two weeks so that writing and podcasting will go away for now.

Mind you, I am going to be adding several new short stories and a new writing project as well so that time will disappear almost immediately.

The only thing left is television and I don’t watch much of that now. The only thing I can do is set writing priorities and work through them. That and ensure that I do some writing every day.

My projects may be a bit slower, but I’ll still get them done and I’ll continue to improve my skills.

Personal Update

One more episode of GalaxyBillies to write and podcast. I’m excited to be finished but sad at the same time. I’ve also got four different anthologies that I want to submit to and a new project coming up. It’s going to be busy but fun.


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