Spreading the Word

I love helping other people spread the word about what they are working on. I even like talking about what I’m working on. What (I think) I am terrible at is promoting my own finished work.

In this case, I’m talking specifically about Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero.

As you probably know, Mik Murdoch was released last August. I have tweeted about it. I have created a Facebook Group and I have received several great reviews about it. What I haven’t done is managed to spread the word well to the target demographic (youth 9 – 14, in case you are wondering). That means doing school visits, readings at the public libraries and even bookstore signings.

The challenge for me has been that I’m a new author. It seems that schools and public libraries are gunshy to bring someone unproven come in. Even if that person is doing the appearance without charge. It seems that the only way to change their mind is to either do it somewhere else (cyclical problem) or generate some buzz.

Buzz can be difficult to start, but something has happened recently that might help. Preditors and Editors has a Reader’s Choice poll going on for Children’s books. Mik Murdoch, much to my delight, has been nominated. It would really help my cause if everyone who can goes and votes for it. You can do this at: http://critters.org/predpoll/novelchildrens.shtml.

If you have the time, please take a moment to drop over to the site and vote for Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. There are LOTS of books nominated, so anything you can do will really help.

For those of you with blogs, podcasts, radio shows, television shows or cameo movie appearances, let me know. I will make myself available to talk about whatever you like (for the opportunity to promote Mik). I would also love to hear about any other ideas you might have that will help me move this forward.

Thank you for all of your help thus far and in the future.


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