Ramping Up for a New Year

2011 was pretty busy and I got a lot done. I left a lot of things needing finishing touches though too.

Since 2012 is looking to be even busier, I need to take these last few days of 2011 to finish them off and plan for the coming year.

So what does the new year hold? Well:

  • My first book will be out in print: “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero”. I should also have at least one self-published book out too;
  • I will also be working with Jeff Hite on the Mad Scientist Anthology (which begins to accept submissions January 1, 2012, by-the-way);
  • I will continue to produce “Get Published” podcast;
  • I will be trying to find a home for “GalaxyBillies;
  • JRMurdock and I will be trying to find a home for our YA Steampunk novel;
  • I have a couple of podcast ideas that I’m developing;
  • Promotional work;
  • Revising the next “Mik Murdoch” book (hopefully);
  • and last, but not least, more writing. Lots more writing of short stories and novels.

There is no time to lose in fact. I guess I’d better get at it.

I hope your 2012 is shaping up to be something spectacular.



  1. That’s an awesome line up for 2012. I’m excited for you. I’ve chatted with J.R. Murdock on Skype and he’s going to be a busy boy too, along with Scott Roche. I’m planning to self publish and podcast my first full novel, two novellas, and write two more novels. I have two novels in the can from NaNoWriMo I was planning on revising but we’ll see if I get to those. They were my first and third novel and will need a lot of revision. Here’s to a busy and productive 2012!

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