Mik Murdoch: The Power Within Is Now Available

There are defining moments in every career. For the writing career phase of my life, today’s launch of Mik Murdoch: The Power Within, is one of them.

Why? To put it as simply as possible, today I am a series writer. Mik Murdoch: The Power Within is the second (of many to come) book in the series that was kicked off by Mik Murdoch: Boy Superhero.

This book represents a lot of things for me: growth as a writer, building my reading audience and even validation as a writer. There were times (a few years ago) when I wasn’t entirely sure I would ever get a single book published, little lone a series. Not only do I officially have a series now, but I have readers (and a publisher) banging on my door demanding the next one. That is both pressure and welcome. It is a dream come true.

I cannot tell you all how grateful I am for the continued support I get from everyone who follows me in one way or another. If you haven’t already, I hope you will take a chance on my books and see what I’ve been talking about. All books are available in print and the eFormat of your choice from multiple places and providers: Amazon, Kobo, Chapters/Indigo, Barnes and Noble, and the myriad of booksellers I have never had the opportunity to deal with.


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