Preparing for Departure

For anyone who has read these posts, you know I am a big proponent of networking. Whether the networking is done in person at a meeting or convention or via social media you can never know too many people.

I’ve been doing a LOT of networking via Facebook and Twitter for the past couple years. That activity increased even more when I started podcasting myself.

Over this time I have made several friends in the social media.

The one downside to interacting with people via Twitter and Facebook is, unless they live nearby, you are unlikely to ever meet them. That is what has me so excited.

Next week on May 27th I will be attending Balticon. Balticon is a Science Fiction/Fantasy convention held on the outskirts of Baltimore. It is also growing to become one of the biggest Social Media conventions in North America. It is also promising to be a great, single area to meet many of the people I know online.

I am VERY excited!

Who knows what may come out of my trip? I’m hoping for some interviews for sure and perhaps even a few (more) projects. Most of all, I want to connect with all the people I’ve met virtually.

From what everyone tells me, it is going to be a blast.

Personal Update

Not much to report this week. I submitted an entry for the Absolute X-Press Flash Fiction Challenge again. It would be great if I made the cut this time. If not, I’ll submit the story elsewhere.

I’m also still in waiting mode for my Middle Grade/Young Adult. The publisher has the full and is deciding if it is a good fit for them. I fully expect this series to be picked up… eventually. I would just love eventually to be in the next few days. It would be a fantastic birthday present.

I’m also planning a short story for the newly launched Flying Island Press. They have a submission deadline of June 15 so I’ve got to great cracking on the story. This is a paying press and I would be selling both the audio and electronic rights to my work.

I am also writing the next episode of GalaxyBillies. GalaxyBillies is a real experiment for me. Each episode is approximately 4,000 words in length and is posted in podcast form every two weeks. I did not plot the story as I wanted to give it as much spontaneity as I could. This is not the easiest method to write under, but that’s why I call it an experiment. How good a product can I produce under these constraints? Only the audience can comment for sure.



  1. Enjoy your Trip! Definitely give us a run down of the convention when you get back.

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