NaNo 2017 – Day 30 – It’s All Over

NaNoWriMo 2017 can be considered a big win for me. I didn’t have a single day where I wrote less than 2,000 words, I hit an all-time word count high of 66,518 words and I managed to almost finish two books and I made great headway on a third.

The two books that were almost finished will be done in December. This I vow!

Day 30 was easily the hardest writing day I had of them all. I think that was mostly because I was tired, but that’s just an excuse. I felt like quitting part-way through the words several times but I kept reminding myself that I wanted to finish strong.

So, I kept writing and I finished. Maybe not as strongly as I wanted but I still managed to pass the 2,000 word mark for the 30th time this month.

The big question I have to ask myself: Will I keep pushing for 2,000 words a day from this point forward.

I already know the answer – it is no, I will not “Push” for 2,000 but I will “try” for 2,000 every day. I have a heavy editing schedule for December but I will also writing new content every day anyway. I just won’t kill myself to both edit and hit 2,000 words.

The biggest learning I can take away from this NaNoWriMo is, the focus still drives me forward, I can write 2,000 words pretty easily (to a certain definition of “easy”) and the writing does help to calm me down.

Those are all good things so I must say a big “Thank you” to the organizers once again. I have already donated to help keep this awesome institution alive.

There is one other thing that NaNoWriMo helped to emphasize. Writing is work. It is not trivial. It is not easy. It is an integral part of who I am.

And I won’t be stopping any time soon.

I hope your NaNo however you did it, was a success. If you wrote a hundred words that wouldn’t have otherwise happened, that is a success. Most importantly, if it has motivated you to keep going, you are a winner. Good luck with your future writing.

Final Word Total: 66,518

Average Words Per Day: 2,217



  1. Nice work Michell! That’s an amazing month of output. Well done. Sadly I only wrote on the first day this year, but it’s because I’ve been editing a finished manuscript so at least I’ve still been working on my writing. There’s a little bit of writing involved in editing I suppose, but I didn’t count it. Anyways here’s to a productive December for you!

  2. Editing is absolutely writing work. Harder to track than actual word count… πŸ™‚

    The trick now is to keep my momentum going.

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