I think there are several things that I do well (although I usually don’t dwell on what they are). On the writing front, I am able to knock off words that make sense relatively quickly. I’m a good line editor and a passing developmental editor on other people’s work. I’m even pretty good at talking to people about writing and pitching my work.
What I am VERY bad at (and hence the title of this post) is promoting my work once it is out there.
I don’t know what it is. Maybe I’m worried that I will talk TOO much about my writing and drive people away. I’ve seen many other people do exactly that. All I get from them are advertisements about their books or writing services. Even from those people I have a personal connection with that gets old really fast.
I definitely don’t want to be that person.
Still, I have a book that I am very proud of (not to mention, several short stories and an upcoming Anthology). It has been well-received by most people who have read it and I want to spread the word about it.
So, is there a magic formula to promotion? Are there sites that are better than others? I just don’t know the answers to either. However, I’m going to keep looking and learning until I find those answers.
In the meantime, I DO have a book available and the holidays are looming. If you have a young reader who likes comic books or has big dreams, may I recommend my book, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero? You can find it in both e-editions and paper copy for order from any fine bookstore. The ISBN-10 is 1927400112 and the ISBN-13 is 978-1927400111. Check it out.
Gee…maybe I’m not as bad as I think. 😉