Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero Sample

Cover, Mik MurdochI’ve always had an easier time of promoting others than myself. Perhaps to my own detriment. I have been working through that particular problem and today, you get the opportunity to read the first chapter of my debut YA novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero.

I am very proud of this book and I think it is one that can be enjoyed by children of all ages (yes, that includes you adults who were children once).

If you weren’t sure it was something you would like, now you have the opportunity to sample a bite-sized piece of the book. I hope you enjoy it.

Mik Murdoch – Sample Chapter 1

If, after reading this, you would like to get the book, it is available at most online bookstores (or from order from your local favourite bookseller) in both eBook and paper formats.


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