Locked Down (or Time Flies in a Crisis)

I looked to see when I last posted. October? That can’t be right. Should I blame being locked down or claim I was too busy to post?Locked down

No, the reality is much more boring than that. Simply put, I’ve been keeping my head down and working through each day as it comes. I’ve been staying home as much as I can (groceries still need to be bought) and I’ve completed editing on my now-published novel, The Goddess Renewed. Not the most glamorous explanation, but the truth.

The good news is, my family is safe and there does seem to be some light at the end of the tunnel. I know we have a long ways to go yet, but I’m trying to remain optimistic.

Writing Progress

I can also now point to my newest novel: The Goddess Renewed. It is available everywhere as an eBook. You can get a copy of your very own either direct from the publisher or via Amazon. I had originally thought it was coming out last October (the last post, as it turns out) but I was mistaken. It is definitely available now and, hopefully, will also come out as a print book in the coming months.

Mik Murdoch 5 (no title yet) is now underway AND there is a very good chance another brand new Middle Grade series will be published (first book) later this year. I also have a project I’ve been working on for several years that is further along than ever before. I’m going to keep that one a mystery for a bit longer. Just teasing right now.

As for being locked down…

All I know for certain is, I can’t believe almost a year has passed since I started working from home. The early days were difficult. The middle days were also tough but I’m finding some balance. Much like most people, I can’t wait to be back out in the world.

Talk to you all soon (not months, I promise).


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