Leaping for Joy!

How original. I am ripping off the fact that today is February 29th, a day that only comes around every four years. Mind you, if all the end-of-the-world quacks are right, it is also the last one we will ever have so why shouldn’t I take advantage of it?

But why am I so happy?

Well, beyond the obvious play on words, things seem to be coming together. It has been a long slog and I now know more than ever what Pip Ballantine was talking about when she was on Get Published. Her 12-year Overnight Success, indeed. I’m not quite to 12-years yet, but then, I’m not even close to what would be considered a writing success (again, yet).

But, as I said before, I’m getting there. Several short-stories published, my first book coming out AND I’m co-editing an anthology that is being published next year. My podcast, Get Published, is doing well enough with a continuously growing listenership (thank you to all of you who are listening) and I’ve got another podcasting project kicking off (hopefully) today.

That’s the Action Pack Podcast in case you are wondering.

And there is lots more coming too. GalaxyBillies edits are going well. My collaboration novel with JRMurdock is finished first draft and I have a number of other books and stories in the wings. I will be doing an agent search this year and I will be attending both the When Words Collide writer’s conference and World Fantasy 2012.

So there you have it. Many reasons why I should be happy with my progress. Hopefully, you are also seeing some improvements in your own lives too.

Here’s to another four years of health, happiness and growing success!


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