
I was going to write a post that asks whether character or setting are more important. That is, I was going to write it until I realized just how BIG a topic that can be. If I were to do it justice, I would probably need to spend a week or so planning and researching it and then several days to write it.

Alas, those are days I don’t have.

That’s cause there is a butt-ton of stuff going on at Chez Plested. I have made several commitments to various people, the one coming up soonest being the completion of edits and polishing of Mik Murdoch: Crisis of Conscience.

I’ve got to say, I’m really happy with the way this book has turned out. I need to have it ready and to my publisher Lorina by next Tuesday.

I am also proofing the ARC for Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty. Yes, I know JR Murdock and I have been talking about the release of this book for a while. Things have happened in the lives of the various people involved in the book which has delayed it somewhat. It will still be available for summertime reading in June as an eBook.

For those of you screaming, “NO! I want it as a print book!” don’t despair. That is still a possibility but that actually happening is up to you. We need to sell LOTS of eBooks so our publisher sees value in a print run. So please, write on your calendar (in June) a reminder to buy an eCopy for you, one for each of your friends and even a couple for best frenemies. Send me an email if you want to notified of the release date of the book (author at michellplested dot com) and I will be sure you are the first to know.

I am also working on the Evil Alter-Ego Press anthology, Dimensional Abscesses. I am desperate to share the AWESOME cover with all of you…but not yet. It would only be fair if the contributors have a chance to see it first.

We intended to have it for sale in March (yes that is now), but it will more likely be April. Again, life intervened. Sorry, but it happens.

The anthology will be coming out initially as an eBook with the print run depending on strong sales. Just between you and me, this is a book that you will WANT on your bookshelf, preferably facing cover out so people can see it.

Yes, the cover is that pretty (and the stories inside are pretty awesome too).

That leads to Scouts of the Apocalypse. I have wanted this book in print for a long time. This year (targeting May) it will happen. It will also be initially released as an eBook followed by a print one.

That leads to the final two items that I am labeling as “Secret Projects”.

I cannot say anything beyond “Secret Projects” (although, I will confess it’s fun to say), but let me tell you, they will be awesome. When I am able to share more information, you know I will.


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