Happy Holidays!

The holiday season, many holiday seasons, in fact, are upon us. As I look back, I realize that I have a lot to celebrate this year:

  • Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero now has a cover and has undergone its first level of edits. It is also scheduled for release early next year. One of my biggest dreams and goals will soon be realized. I cannot wait.
  • My writing partner (JRMurdock) and I have finished the first draft of our YA Steampunk Novel. Even better, we have a publisher interested in seeing it. I know that we will sell this one. It was fun to write and, I think, fun to read too.
  • I was able to meet the aforementioned JRMurdock at World Fantasy Convention in San Diego this year. The con was one of two amazing conventions that tell me that, if I haven’t quite made the transition to the next level of writing, I’m darn close.
  • I sold another short story to Flying Island Press’ Steampunk issue.
  • My AlterEgo (Jeffrey Hite) and I have launched a new Anthology that is open for submissions on January 1st. This is going to be a LOT of fun and I am really looking forward to it.
  • I have had interest in GalaxyBillies in a couple different places. I’m busy revising it for submission. I have high hopes for it.
  • My new job (well, new ten months ago) is going well. I’m enjoying it and feel like I’m doing something worthwhile.
  • My family is healthy and happy. (this item could easily be the first item and every other one too).
  • I met more great people and have a larger group of friends and acquaintances than ever before.
  • I’ve even got a new GalaxyBillies short story (a Christmas one that will release shortly).
I know I’ve missed something or perhaps several somethings. But my point is, it has been a very good year and 2012 promises to be as good or better. That is a darn-sight better than the past two years when I was either out of work or working for less than the incoming bills. Both situations, as you might expect, were extremely stressful.
I know my comments could be taken as boasting, but please believe that is not my intention. I know that the holidays can be very stressful. I’ve been there myself (as previously mentioned). I hope that my tale of celebration will help any of you who are under stress to know that for every down there is an up. Keep plugging. Look to the future. Things will get better.
Trite maybe, but still true.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and kick 2012 off to the beginning of great things. Thank you for being part of my life. I look forward to spending another year with you all.


  1. Thanks Scott. You too. I know some of what you have planned and I think you will have a breakout year too. Happy Holidays, my friend.

  2. I think you’re allowed to boast at some point. If you aren’t allowed to point out your own accomplishments, then who’ll help you celebrate them? 🙂

    That’s awesome. I’m so happy for you!

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