Get Published Episode 22 – New Years’ Goals… or are they Resolutions?

Happy New Years, Everyone. I wanted to start the new year out talking about my own personal goals for 2010. I have some ambitious plans for the coming year that I want to share with you.

I also have a great question regarding when to start connecting to people via social media. It’s a little shorter episode than the past few, but I wanted to ease into the new year.

Thanks for joining me for another year. I hope we can make it a great one together.


Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 22 – New Years’ Goals… or are they Resolutions?

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

0:14 — Introduction – Get Published, Episode 22 – New Years’ Goals… or are they Resolutions?

Welcome to the show.

01:33 — Promos: Tale Chasing

02:42 — Feedback – Get Published, Episode 22 – New Years’ Goals… or are they Resolutions? (continued)

  • Mike answers a question from Brandy: “When is a good time to start connecting with people via Twitter/Facebook/etc.
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments or call the voiceline at (206) 203-2031

07:38 — Promos: Digital Magic

08:36 — Get Published, Episode 22 – New Years’ Goals… or are they Resolutions?  (continued)

Mike talks about his writing and podcasting goals for 2010

26:03 — Promos: Bird House Rules

26:55 — Closing

Let me know what you think and definitely use the voicemail line to your heart’s content!


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