GalaxyBillies – Episode 0

Happy Holidays everyone! As a special treat, I am putting the first episode of my new podcast project into the feed.

GalaxyBillies is the story of five hillbillies who are kidnapped by a semi-sentient starship. To say they take the universe by storm would be a MAJOR understatement.

I was checking my notes a couple days ago when I was finishing the first episode and I realized I first had the story idea almost a year ago. It has taken a while to germinate, but I’m very happy with episode one (numbered episode 0).

Have a listen and let me know what you think. If you like it, leave a comment and maybe feedback on iTunes. If you don’t, please let me know that too. I thrive on feedback in case you didn’t already know it.


GalaxyBillies – Episode 0
