Excitement is Building

For those of you who don’t know, I am co-editing an anthology (titled A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil) with Jeffrey Hite.

This is a project that we conceived more than a year ago over Twitter. We decided it would be fun to try our hands at creating an anthology and started the process of doing it ourselves, all the while looking for a publisher.

We didn’t have to look long before Lorina Stephens and Five Rivers Publishing decided to take on the project with us.

It has been both an adventure and a LOT of work to gather stories, edit them, place them into the anthology and now proof the Galley. But we are almost done and I couldn’t be happier. Jeff and I will both be at Balticon in Hunt Valley Maryland over the May Labour Day weekend and, if we are very lucky, we will have some early copies to show off.

I cannot wait!

We also have some really fun promotional things coming soon so watch for them. And if you are a wannabe Mad Scientist, start saving your coins now. The book is scheduled for release July 1, 2013 and will be available in both eFormats and Trade Paperback.

Pre-orders of the trade paperback are available from 5rivers.org. Why wait? Get yours now.


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