Poison Drip

I hit a milestone in my edits of Mik Murdoch: The Power Within, yesterday. I am now 1/3 finished my first round of revisions. I still like the book, but I have concerns.

Yes, that’s right, I’m uncertain whether the book will live up to the first one.

When I mentioned my concerns a week or so ago, it was pointed out to me that most authors go through exactly the same thing. The term used to describe the phenomenon was, Poison Drip. I will be honest, I haven’t heard that one before. I can guess at what it means though.

Writers seem to have, as part of their imagination, the ability to be overly critical of their own writing. I know I certainly can be. And the longer we work at it, the more we wonder about it. I’m guessing that’s at least part of what it means.

I’ve stepped back a little from the work and am editing along quite nicely. I consider the comments put in the document by my publisher and act accordingly. And I try not to dwell on whether it is great yet or not. It will be and that is what I need to shoot for.


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