Mik Murdoch 4 is Underway

Mik Murdoch 4 is Underway

The story for Mik Murdoch 4 has been in my mind for well over a year. The problem was, I was busy with other books that had to come first.

When I finished the last of those books (Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie Masters) it was finally time to work on Mik. So, I began plotting the story. And then I plotted some more.

I could have gone on with nothing but plotting for weeks if I had let myself. But the characters were starting to give me lines for the story. It was time to write.

It Started Slow

I’ve been in editing mode for quite a while now, which is considerably different than writing mode. So, the first day, I wrote about 150 words. Not much, but enough to get me really thinking about how I wanted the story to flow.

The next day I wrote more and now, a week into it, I have finished four chapters and I’m half-way through chapter five.

Excitement is Building

There are a few things I want to accomplish with this story. I’m already seeing pieces of it falling into place and, if I can keep the momentum going, it will by done by Christmas (or sooner). That means a new Mik Murdoch book will be out next year!


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