Get Published Episode 82 – Rebecca K. Rowe Comments Via Science Fiction

As you know, I have several projects on the go, right now. Happily, Mik Murdoch proof work of the galley is finished and sent to Lorina Stephens at 5 Rivers Publishing. That leaves me a little time for the other projects.

The most pressing is the YA Zombie podcast novel I’m working on as part of “The Action Pack Podcast.” I am writing and recording a new episode every month. JR Murdock and Scott Roche are also providing stories. Check out for more information.

I’m also working on the Mad Scientist Handbook which is officially titled, “A Method to the Madness, A Guide to the Super Evil” with Jeffrey Hite. Jeff and I talk about the handbook in today’s Tips and Typos section.

I’m also pleased to announce the identity of today’s guest author. Rebecca Rowe writes novels, short stories and poetry. She also has a master’s in Mass Communications/Journalism from the University of Denver and a Master’s in International Relations from the University of Southern California. I had a lot of fun talking with her about writing and getting published. I think you will enjoy the discussion.

That’s the lineup for today. I hope you enjoy the show.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 82 – Rebecca K. Rowe Comments Via Science Fiction

Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 82 – Rebecca K. Rowe Comments Via Science Fiction

Welcome to the show.

01:35 Promo: A Method to The Madness: A Guide To The Super Evil

03:25 -Tips and Typos

Mike and Jeffrey Hite talk about A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil

06:52 – Promo – Parsec Awards

07:29 — Get Published Episode 82 – Rebecca K. Rowe Comments Via Science Fictions (continued)

Rebecca K. Rowe talks about a number of things:

  • How where you grow up affects your writing;
  • Social commentary in your writing;
  • The importance of finding a community of support;
  • How she got published;
  • Clarion Workshop and its value to the new writer;
  • How travel has affected her writing;
  • The value of conventions;
  • Take care what you post online.

53:38- Promo – Flying Island Press

54:23 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

Rebecca K. Rowe –

A Method to The Madness: A Guide To The Super Evil –

Parsec Awards –

Flying Island Press –



  1. Mike,
    I’m trying to find a podcast I listened to where a female author who had won at least one award for her short stories said that she still averages six rejections per short story before acceptance. Was that this episode? Was that on your show? I’ve got a few places I’m writing about the debate over self pub or trad pub for short stories, and I’d like to link whatever episode that is. No worries if you can’t think of it off the top of your head, just asking. Thanks and best wishes on Mik Murdoch!

  2. Hi Tim,

    I don’t specifically remember that comment. It could have been a number of my interviews. The ones that involved Short Stories or anthologies specifically were episodes: 70 (Susan MacGregor), 46 (Jaym Gates and Erica Holt), 35 (Sandra Wickham) and 34 (Nancy Kilpatrick). I also believe we may have talked short story writing in episodes: 40 (Jennifer Rahn), 39 (Marie Bilodeau) and 38 (Val Griswold-Ford).

    Sorry I can’t give you a more specific answer. I hope this helps and thank you for the good wishes. 🙂


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