Get Published Episode 77 – The Skinny on the Mad Scientist’s Handbook

Last episode, I mentioned The Action Pack Podcast. Everything is just about ready for release. The first episodes of each of the three stories have been writen and recorded for the podcast and the scripts have been sent in for the eBooks. The website,, even has teasers for you to read. We’re all getting pretty excited to see and hear the first episode.

I’ve also been making some good headway in my GalaxyBillies edits AND JR Murdock and I have the second book in our collaboration series about half-way plotted out. We’re just finishing the final edits on the first book so we can send it out to our Alpha readers.

All that and I expect to see the final edits for Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero any day now. Lots of great stuff to share with you all.

In this episode, my special guest and I talk about anthologies. As you may know, Jeffrey Hite and I have are co-editing an anthology called A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil. I thought it would be fun if we talked about the anthology, how it came to be and what we have learned thus far.

I’m also delighted to have my friend and co-author, JR Murdock, do another Unorthodox Writing Tips for us. This episode he talks about visualizing the places you have been and how it can help your writing.

That’s the lineup for today. I hope you enjoy the show.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 77 – The Skinny on the Mad Scientist’s Handbook

Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 77 – The Skinny on the Mad Scientist’s Handbook

Welcome to the show.

01:43 Promo: A Method to The Madness: A Guide To The Super Evil

03:32 -Tips and Typos

JR Murdock’s Unorthodox Writing Tips – Perspective.

06:36 – Promo – Sonic Society

07:13 — Get Published Episode 77 – The Skinny on the Mad Scientist’s Handbook (continued)

Mike and Jeffrey Hite talk about the Mad Scientist Handbook: A Method to the Madness, A Guide to the Super Evil

48:56- Promo – Flying Island Press

49:41 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

Jeffrey Hite-

JR Murdock –

A Method to The Madness: A Guide To The Super Evil –

Sonic Society –

Flying Island Press –


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