Get Published, Episode 7 – What Types of Feedback are Available to an Author

Hello Everyone and Happy First Week of June! I am pleased to say that the weather has actually started to feel like summer. Since our summers are short to start with that is a major announcement, let me tell you.

In this episode I talk about the various opportunities you, the author, have for your work. I know I’ve asked myself many times if my work is good enough to publish. I hope some of the ideas I bring up in this episode will help you to get the answers you are looking for.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 7

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

0:14 — Introduction – Show #7:  What Types of Feedback are Available to an Author

Michell talks about what the future holds for ‘Get Published’ (and no, it is NOT pod-fading).

03:53 — Promos: War Promo (Mur Lafferty)

05:36 — Show #7:  What Types of Feedback are Available to an Author (continued)

  • Thank you to Noble Scry at for the pingbacks
  • Email podcast at michellplested dot com with your comments

06:59 — Promos: Weather Child

07:51 — Show #7:  What Types of Feedback are Available to an Author (continued)

What are the various ways to get feedback/critiques/reviews of your work? There are several:

  • Friends and family are not necessarily the best choice due to personal bias
  • Writing Workshops – many conventions have workshops, Odyssey, Viable Paradise
  • Writing Courses – local universities, online (Holly Lisle at
  • Hire an Editor – I hear that Gabrielle Harbowy ( is pretty good
  • Writing Contests – ‘The Writing Show’ often has one or more writing contests per year as an example
  • Critique Groups – local writing groups or online. I use online personally
  • If you know any professional editors, publishers or authors who might be willing to read your stuff (agents too)

22:01 — Promos: Nina Kimberly the Merciless

23:02 — Closing

Please send comments. Please, please, please! Questions too 🙂


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