Get Published Episode 61 – Anealiopalozza

I had the pleasure of hearing John Anealio play at Balticon in 2010 and I was hooked. His music is fun and familiar and very well done. I got to thinking about the things he is doing to promote himself and get his name out there and I saw an instant synergy with my own efforts.

I knew I had to get him on the show.

I was not disappointed because we had a great conversation about social media, self-promotion and marketing. I got a lot out of the discussion and I think you will too. And, as an added bonus, you get to hear two of John’s songs.

I hope you enjoy the show.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 61 – Anealiopalozza

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 61 – Anealiopalozza

Welcome to the show.

02:06 – Song – George R.R. Martin Is Not Your Bitch by John Aneali

05:17 — Get Published Episode 61 – Anealiopalozza (continued)

Mike and John Anealio talk about music and draw many comparisons to writing including the creation, promotion and platform of each.

56:51 – Song – GeekDad by John Anealio

59:42 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

To hear more of John’s work go to:


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