Get Published Episode 25 – Interview with Erik Buchanan

Erik Buchanan is a former actor/fight director turned professional writer. He has a lot of interesting things to say about writing and his journey as a published author. His second book, “Cold Magics” is coming out in April.

We also have a very good writing question.

I hope you enjoy the episode.


Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 25 – Interview with author Erik Buchanan

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

0:14 — Introduction – Get Published, Episode 25 – Interview with author Erik Buchanan

Welcome to the show.

00:56 — Promos: GalaxyBillies

02:44 — Feedback – Get Published, Episode 25 – Interview with author Erik Buchanan (continued)

  • Should you put your writing text up on the Internet?
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments or call the voiceline at (206) 203-2031

06:39 — Promos: Mad Poet Files

07:35 — Get Published, Episode 25 – Interview with author Erik Buchanan  (continued)

Mike talks to author Erik Buchanan about his writing journey.

1:04:18 — Promos: The Boom Effect

1:04:18 — Closing

Let me know what you think and definitely use the voicemail line to your heart’s content!



  1. Man, that was a great answer to my question. Thank you Mike, and much thanks to Lorina Stephens. What she said was really great to hear. I think that as time goes on, more and more publishing houses may start to accept authors who have used the model of putting stuff out for free to build a fan base of people who will then be asking to buy. We’ve seen it work for podiobooks authors. I think that if I do get published, it probably would be with a small or indie press. With that in mind, I think I’m going to go ahead and give my first couple books away for free in every format except hard copy. I will perhaps make paperbacks available online to sell, we’ll see. I suppose I need to finish editing one and writing the other before I can do any of this 🙂 We writers love to plan, but as Mur Lafferty would say, I should be writing! Cool interview as well, a lot of great info for us newbie writers to glean. Thanks Mike!

  2. I’m glad that answered your question and even more pleased that I was able to get Lorina Stephens to weigh in on it. I have my own opinion on the subject but I think an answer from an honest-to-goodness publisher is even more valuable.

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