Get Published Episode 132 – Jessub Flower Builds His Platform

I am always on the lookout to learn something new – maybe a new way to grow my author’s platform or market my books.

That’s why I love talking to different authors about what they are doing. One such author is Jessub Flower who is using his debut novel, Daisy Hill to do all of those things: promote, market and try to get a publishing deal. Jessub and I talk about what he has been doing to achieve his own personal writing goals.

I’ve also been giving a lot of thought to my author’s voice. I think part of that is an effort to procrastinate and not actually finish some of my writing. Regardless of the reason, I’ve heard the phrase many times and have wondered exactly what it meant. In today’s show, I talk about what it means to me.

That’s today’s show. I hope you enjoy it.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 132 – Jessub Flower Builds His Platform

Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 132 – Jessub Flower Builds His Platform (continued)

Welcome to the show.

01:15 – Promo – Flash Pulp

01:41 – Tips and Typos

Mike talks about finding and knowing your author’s voice.

06:11 – Promo – Saturday B Movie Reel

07:11 Get Published Episode 132 – Jessub Flower Builds His Platform (continued)

Mike and Jessub talk about building an author’s platform as well as:

  • Joss Whedon, author’s platform, Leveraging connections, networking, not down playing your own work, elevator pitch, Nothing natural about promoting yourself, Daisy Hill, Cross genre, Theme, Selling yourself as an author, persistence

54:00 – Promo – Pop Mockers

54:31 — Closing

Thank you for listening.


Websites mentioned in this episode:

Jessub Flower –

Flash Pulp –

Saturday B Movie Reel –

Pop Mockers –


Special Thanks to Jeffrey Hite for assisting in the production of Get Published.


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