GalaxyBillies – Episode 19

Well folks, this is the end. Now we all have a chance to find out what happens to Earth, Greklor, Grokmar, MegaDan and, of course, the humans themselves.

I would like to thank you all for joining me on this journey. It has been both gruelling and extremely rewarding. The next step for the story is to move it over to I’m also going to shelf the story for a few months before I come back and edit it into book form. If I’m lucky, it will see a paper version in the near future.

One last thing. I will be making t-shirts available to celebrate GalaxyBillies completion and move to podiobooks. Watch for it in the next two weeks if you are interested. I might even be putting a few more interesting pieces together too.

I would also like to invite you to send your comments, feedback and questions to galaxybillies at irreverentmuse dot com or to my voicemail line at 206.203.2031. I’ll answer anything you send me.

Please take a few moments and let me know what you thought of the story; what you liked and what didn’t work for you. That feedback will help me a great deal when I start editing the story.

I also have two Facebook groups for GalaxyBillies. Friends of GalaxyBillies and Michell Plested’s GalaxyBillies. I’d love to have you join.

Thank you again for joining me on my story journey.



  1. Congratulations on finishing this project Mike. It was a really fun adventures with a lot of laughs along the way. You had me rolling from time to time. I really enjoyed it, thanks for putting it out there, and for all the hard work of writing AND producing it as you went. The final product is one to be proud of, I can’t wait to see how it does on Podiobooks, and I can’t wait for your next project.

  2. Thanks Dan. I pretty happy with the finished product too. It’s not perfect (yet) but it will be by the time I’m finished editing it for print.

    The plans are already being made for the next project too. 😉

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