NaNoWriMo – Day 25

I wasn’t able to get writing as soon as I had hoped, because I had the pleasure of interviewing Jaym Gates and Erika Holt for my podcast “Get Published”. They are the editors responsible for the new Zombie Erotica anthology, “Rigor Amortis”. For those of you who know me, you know that I LOVE to talk about writing. It is one of my favourite things to do and a great benefit of doing the podcast. I have to say, talking to them was awesome. I didn’t want the conversation to end. Unfortunately, I have short stories to finish so I had to sign off after 90 minutes of discussion and interview. That didn’t leave me much time to work on […]

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NaNoWriMo – Day 24

If you were watching for my update yesterday evening you are probably wondering what happened. Did I forget? In actuality, I made a conscious decision not to write yesterday. Over the past several weeks I have been staying up well past my bedtime to write and it was definitely catching up with me. So, instead of writing in the evening after everything was done for the day, I decided to go to bed early. I don’t think it was a waste of time either. I’ve noticed that my creativity hasn’t quite been as high over the last couple weeks as it has previously. I’m hoping that by having a little extra sleep and a writing break of a day, that […]

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NaNoWriMo – Day 23

There is a bad part of being done NaNo early. That fire that was lit under my butt is now out and it is that much more of a fight to keep going. The good thing for me (if you can call it that) is that I have two short stories that need to be done before the end of the month. That being the case, I’m still writing, albeit somewhat more reluctantly as my daily word count will suggest. It is still freaking cold here (some wise guy started a rumour that Calgary was the second coldest place on Earth yesterday. It wasn’t but it sure felt like it.) which is sapping my motivation. It’s dark when I leave […]

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NaNoWriMo – Day 22

You might think that the pressure is off my shoulders now that I’ve hit 50,000 words. In a way you would be right if you thought that. The pressure to win NaNoWriMo is definitely off. Unfortunately, it was replaced by a new kind of pressure. The pressure to finish and edit my two short stories. I admit, I have no one to blame but myself for this stress. I meant to write the stories and have them finished in October. What ended up happening is I got lazy and didn’t write them at all (well, maybe lazy is too strong a statement. I took a break after finishing GalaxyBillies). So here I am. I’m still writing and I’m also including […]

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