World Fantasy Convention is coming fast!

I’ve probably mentioned this before, but I am going to the World Fantasy Convention.  After all, it’s not every day (or even every year) that something like the WFC comes to your local city. I have to admit, I have BIG hopes for this convention.  I want to meet several of the authors I admire, get in front of publishers to pitch my book and maybe even talk to an agent or two.  Oh yeah, and I’m hoping to make some more friends in the writing industry. That’s a lot for four days, don’t you think? Still, I know to be successful, I need to know people.  I need to be willing to stand up and pitch my wares, so […]

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Rewrite or Edit? What is the right way to go?

It’s an interesting dilemma that I’ve been faced with the past while.  When should I rewrite a story and when is an edit the correct choice? I’ve come to the conclusion that the choice should be entirely dependent on the the story itself.  Having said that, I realize such an on-the-fence answer doesn’t really help to make the decision any easier.  Here are some of the thoughts I’ve had when considering the topic. When I read the story, am I happy with all the major elements? (character, setting, plot, etc.) How many times has the story been rejected and did I get any useful feedback? Does the story fit any particular publisher’s requirements? Have I had anyone read the story (i.e. first […]

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Having Realistic Expectations

If you expect to be able to retire off your first contracted novel, you might want to stop reading right now.  I don’t want to be the one to dash your hopes and dreams. Still with me?  Maybe your expectations for your writing aren’t so crazy then.  Notice I said ‘Maybe’. Let me begin by saying that it does happen that first authors sometimes get a massive advance on their first books.  People also win the lottery all the time.  Unfortunately, it always seems to be the other guy (or girl) who does it. There’s a reason for it too.  It’s called the media.  What do I mean by that, you may ask?  Simply this:  the media doesn’t report on […]

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Are We Having Fun Yet?

For me, writing is an enjoyable thing.  I love developing stories and characters and I really enjoy getting the story down on paper.  Every once in a while I’m able to write a scene that really touches me and I know it’s all worth it. It’s not always like that, though.  There are days when I’ve had a hard day at work or I’m not feeling particularly well or… well, any of a hundred things happen and I just don’t wanna write (picture grown man jumping up and down in a tantrum).  Those are the days that I take a pass and do something else (preferably something I enjoy). Happily, that only happens occasionally. I have found that some writing […]

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