A Ways to Go

I couple weeks ago my publisher, Robert Runte’, suggested I changed this website’s tagline from “from an amateur’s perspective” to “from a former amateur’s perspective.” I thought about his comment for a couple days before I went ahead and made the change as he suggested because…well, I AM being paid for my writing (more often than not) which, by definition, makes me a professional writer. That doesn’t mean I have arrived and can quit learning, however. I’ve still got LOTS to learn. That means, I still have lots to share. For example, I’m only just going into my second book’s edits. It is the second book in a series, which is also new to me. In case you didn’t hear, I […]

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Finishing Projects/Ignoring the Shiney

One of the challenges that I face regularly is too many great ideas to work on. That may not sound like a challenge, but trust me, it is. If I give in to the temptation to start new projects every time I get an idea I would never finish the ones I’m already working on. Take my current load of projects. I have my recurring podcast, Get Published, Mik Murdoch: The Power Within final polish for submission, submitting Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty not to mention the marketing for my two books (ahem, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil). There are other things on the go, but those […]

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Get Published Episode 100 – Aaron Kite Talks Wattpad

Yes that’s right, episode 100 is finally here! It has been a wonderful journey that has lasted much longer than I ever expected. I have learned so much from doing the podcast and speaking to all my guests not to mention all of the friends and contacts I’ve made along the way. It has truly been life changing. Some of the many highlights? Well, I got to have several fanboy moments with authors like Jack Whyte, Robert J Sawyer, JC Hutchins, Scott Sigler, Gail Carriger and David B Coe. I’ve met many up-and-coming superstars and I have made a lot of new friends. I met my publisher through the podcast and have learned a number of things about the publishing […]

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Keep Your Eyes (and Ears) Open for Opportunities

Last week I thought I was hitting all the important places to get word out on my work and ongoing projects. Then, out of the blue, without so much as a “By-your-leave”, a good friend of mine asked me if I had spent any time on Wattpad. I had to reluctantly admit that, no, I had not spent ANY time on Wattpad. As in none whatsoever. That lack may not surprise those of you who don’t know what Wattpad is. In a nutshell, and borrowing a line from their About section: Wattpad is a revolutionary way for readers to discover and participate in the creation of new stories. Okay, that’s great, but why do I care? Let me put it to […]

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