Get Published Episode 129 – David Laderoute

I had the privilege to talk to David Laderoute. David is a Geologist, retired Lieutenant Colonel from the Canadian Army Reserves, entrepreneur and a writer. He has several short stories in print in various small press publications and has written extensively for role-playing games. He is active on Wattpad and his debut novel, Out of Time was released by Five Rivers Publishing in December of 2013. We had a great conversation that I think you will get a lot out of. I’ve also been working my way through first revisions of Mik Murdoch: The Power Within for my editor for almost two months now. I won’t deny that I find revisions to be somewhat grueling. You need to consider what […]

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Get Published Episode 126 – JR Murdock & Michell Plested Sold a Book!

Happy New Year and welcome to the first episode of 2014, which is also my sixth year podcasting. With the exciting news of our new book deal, JR Murdock and I decided it might be time to talk about our collaboration one more time. It has been quite a while since we last gave any tips or talked about what we had done. Besides, we are both really stoked to be bringing the book out for everyone to enjoy. We just want to spread the news one more time. I also came across something that hasn’t reared its head before. Tying a sequel novel into the previous one. That became very evident when I got my first round edits back […]

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The Jury is Still Out

I’ve finished putting Boyscouts of the Apocalypse up on Wattpad and I’m still waiting and watching to see if  I get the full results I was hoping for. So far, I’ve had a good response to the story. Not stellar, mind you, but good. The exercise has helped me to solidify my own plans for the story. And just what are those plans, you might ask (or perhaps you might not)? Well, since I’ve now got two books published (Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil), I’ve been wanting to try a few cross-promotion ideas. The problem with the aforementioned books is, my publisher has a stake in their well-being and […]

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Have you ever been faced with difficulty writing after finishing a big, high-energy project? I know I have. It usually starts out as me telling myself I’ve earned a (brief) break after burning the midnight oil to finish something. The problem usually is, brief often becomes prolonged. I know, I really pushed to get Mik Murdoch 2 finished. I wrote more than 30,000 words in under 2-weeks to ensure it would be complete by the end of my holidays. Then I took a short break. I didn’t fall into the trap of letting it extend. I immediately followed that up with two short stories I had been meaning to write for two anthologies. That also was a relatively fast write […]

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