Priorities are funny things. What is important today may not be quite so important tomorrow. Take, for example, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. If you were take a guess and say it is my HIGHEST priority right now, you would be bang on. Until I get this baby launched, nothing will even come close in importance to me. However, three years ago, it wasn’t really even on the radar. I was working on several other projects and Mik was on the shelf. Then a little matter of Five Rivers taking an interest in it and KABLAM! Mik jumped to the top of the priority list. That isn’t to say that I’m ignoring everything else. I haven’t missed an episode of Get […]
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Balancing Writing and Life
I am always running into the conflict of life versus writing. No, they shouldn’t be mutally exclusive, but the time they both demand is often in short supply. Take this week, for example. I am preparing to take holidays so work is extremely busy while I try to tie off loose ends. I also have a book launch coming up August 1st AND I’ve still got my normal writing (Boyscouts of the Apocalypse), editing (Mad Scientist Handbook, Jane Kane novel, GalaxyBillies) and plotting (Mik Murdoch 2). You may have noticed, I didn’t even mention yardwork, house, podcasting and family (not in that order of importance). It feels very overwhelming. So much so, in fact, that I have to mentally block the […]
Read moreTunnel Vision
There are times when multi-tasking just isn’t the right answer. A perfect example of this is my revision work on Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. I have several projects on the go; some are writing and some are editing. And then there is Mik which is forthcoming (arguably editing, but a whole lot more, too). I want Mik Murdoch to be the best it can be. I want to justify all of the work my publisher and editor are putting into the book too. Therefore, when it came time to make the suggested revisions, I put all of my other projects away, rather than try to do bits of several everyday. It was really the only way I could get into […]
Read moreMik Murdoch is into Final Edits
I received the last set of edits from my editor, Robert Runte, on Saturday. Robert’s comments were all very positive which was very gratifying to read. This version only has 150 required changes, most very minor. It feels great to have them now and to know that the story really doesn’t need any major work. Robert is (he says) very happy with the quality of the manuscript so that is encouraging. Now, I just have to work my way through and finish it. As in the previous version of the manuscript, we are working in Microsoft Word with Track Changes on. This is a great way to go because I can see Robert’s changes and comments and he can see […]
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