I think I’m finally growing up

My wife might argue with me about this, but I’m specifically talking about growing up as a writer. When I first started down the writing path I can honestly say I had visions of fame and glory. Mind you, those visions didn’t last very long as I started to research the entire writing life. All the research I did served to make me more paranoid about my own writing’s quality and the actual chances any of it would ever see the light of day. I (somehow) managed to get past the paranoia and self-doubt and kept writing. It wasn’t great, but it continued to get better. I began to submit the occasional piece. When I did so, I waited and […]

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I Need to Do More

I came to a realization the other day: despite everything I am doing right now, I need to do more. A LOT more. How is that for an obscure opening statement? Do I mean I need to walk more, eat more or watch more television? No. I need to do more to get my name out there in the writing world. Sure, I’m blogging, podcasting, tweeting and facebooking. I’m querying and submitting to contests and publishers (and soon to agents). It’s not enough. I’ve got to start writing articles and short stories for various markets. I’ve got to get onto forums and special interest groups. Why? Because I can NEVER get my name out into enough places. OK, I think […]

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Get Published Episode 22 – New Years’ Goals… or are they Resolutions?

Happy New Years, Everyone. I wanted to start the new year out talking about my own personal goals for 2010. I have some ambitious plans for the coming year that I want to share with you. I also have a great question regarding when to start connecting to people via social media. It’s a little shorter episode than the past few, but I wanted to ease into the new year. Thanks for joining me for another year. I hope we can make it a great one together. -Michell Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 22 – New Years’ Goals… or are they Resolutions? Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 […]

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Conventions: Not Just for Dressing Up

Who here has ever gone to a convention of one kind or another? Don’t be shy, raise your hands high if you have. Now, how many of you have been to a convention where another writer or a publisher or an editor or an agent has been a guest, a panel participant or a known quantity? And what did you do at that convention? Did you meet any of the aforementioned people? I attended ConVersion (a local SciFi/Fantasy convention) not too long ago. My goal was to meet one of the publishers who I knew to be coming and maybe meet Terry Brooks. Let me begin by saying that I am not the most outgoing person alive. Still, I went […]

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