Get Published Episode 50 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point Pt. 2

Episode 50 is finally here and the second part of the interview is now available. I’ve got to say, the last two years of podcasting have been wonderful. I have learned so much I know I made the right choice when I posted that first episode (even though it was pretty rough). In this episode we, of course, get to hear the second part of Robin’s very enlightening talk about eBooks, self-publishing and online marketing. CA Marshall also spends some time educating us on editors. It’s a great show that I am so proud of for my 50th. Enjoy. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 50 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point Pt. 2 Everything […]

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Wash, Rinse, Repeat

I’ve been doing a bit of introspection the past while. Maybe it’s natural, being a new year and all, and it is something I do from time to time. I do it as a self-improvement exercise. I look at what I haven’t liked in the past while and try to see what my role was in it. Perhaps I was too laid back or maybe I was too intense. Did I make the most of opportunities or did I let self-doubt intrude. I won’t say that it always works but I do believe the process keeps me moving in the right general direction. It’s one of those things that is never a single iteration either. I try to do it […]

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Holy Carp!

I’ve been suffering from low energy and motivation levels for the past couple weeks, but I never thought it was this bad. How bad is it? Well, it’s obviously bad enough that I FORGOT to post last Wednesday. That’s only the second time since this site was started more than two years ago. What the hell? And to make matters worse, I only just realized it. All I can say is… well there really isn’t anything I can say, is there? So here is my Wednesday post a couple days late. I’ve actually been going to bed early the last three days. Part of that is because, as I’m driving home, I’m having trouble staying awake. Never a good thing […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 19

Well folks, this is the end. Now we all have a chance to find out what happens to Earth, Greklor, Grokmar, MegaDan and, of course, the humans themselves. I would like to thank you all for joining me on this journey. It has been both gruelling and extremely rewarding. The next step for the story is to move it over to I’m also going to shelf the story for a few months before I come back and edit it into book form. If I’m lucky, it will see a paper version in the near future. One last thing. I will be making t-shirts available to celebrate GalaxyBillies completion and move to podiobooks. Watch for it in the next two […]

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