Lots Going On

There are a lot of times that I think I’m my own worst enemy. I get myself going on multiple projects, then, just for good measure, I throw a few more things into the mix. For example, I’ve got a couple writing projects, a book being revised, two anthology ideas developing and I’m going to World Fantasy Convention on October 27th. That should really be enough, but I’ve also decided to do NaNoWriMo again. Oh yeah, and those are only my writing commitments. I’ve also got family, work, Scouts, my Get Published podcast and a couple other things. Yup, I’m definitely my own worst enemy. Oddly enough, there are times when I have to sit back and take a deep […]

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Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs

I follow a number of people on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. Publishers, Editors, a bunch of authors and even a couple agents. I’ve also managed to get people from each of those categories on the show. Well, almost all of them. I’ve never had an actual agent on the show. Happily, today that all changes as I talk to Amy Boggs who is an Agent at the Donald Maass Literary Agency. I also talk about NaNoWriMo, which is just around the corner. That’s the lineup for today. I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs Everything has to start somewhere and […]

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Editing Update – Lessons Learned at the Halfway Point

I’ve had the marked up manuscript for “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero” since August and I have been making some steady progress. One of the things my editor, Robert Runte’ said to me before I even saw the edits was, it would be a lot of work, but it would save me a lot of time in the long run (i.e. future novels). Seeing the items he has requested for revision, I would have to agree with him. Three stand out specifically: 1. Rushing Scenes I’ve probably mentioned this before and I’m sure I’m not unique in this writing mistake. I have the bad habit of finishing a scene too quickly. I’ve really looked at it (and myself) to better understand […]

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