
There are definitely times when I am feeling somewhat less than motivated to work on that next book or story. I know I’ve got deadlines, but the story is dragging or I’m tired or not feeling well. Then there are times when I simply cannot wait to get the next book written. Those are, I’m happy to say, happening more and more frequently. Most often, these motivations are triggered by a fan telling me how much they enjoyed my book or books. Tonight I had the pleasure to hang out with a local Cub Scout group. I’ve been with them before as a guest author. This time the few I saw last year were telling their buddies who I hadn’t […]

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New Story Ideas

One of the real painful aspects of being a writer is…well, simply put, writing a quality story takes time. In fact, for me, the act of writing/revision/re-revision takes long enough that by the time I’m done, I’ve probably had two, three or more new story ideas. Naturally, the new story ideas are shiny and exciting…and totally out-of-reach because I’ve already got so many projects on the back burner. For example, I had an idea two nights ago for a quadrology (is that right? 4 books in the series?) The idea hasn’t left my mind since it first burst upon the scene. Problem is, I’ve got to get Mik Murdoch: The Power Within done, Jack Kane & the Statue of Liberty […]

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Progress can mean different things to different people. For some, it might mean people are just a little more tolerant of each other. For others it means that technology continues to move forward and our lives are getting easier and better. For me? Well, I tend not to think on quite that grand a scale. Progress for me is, I weigh a little less today than I did a month ago. I’m actually sleeping through the night and I’m almost finished the latest revision of Mik Murdoch: The Power Within. In fact, all of the above are true which makes this a Wednesday worth celebrating. I’ve also made some strides forward on a few things of a less quantitative nature. For example, I […]

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Get Published Episode 129 – David Laderoute

I had the privilege to talk to David Laderoute. David is a Geologist, retired Lieutenant Colonel from the Canadian Army Reserves, entrepreneur and a writer. He has several short stories in print in various small press publications and has written extensively for role-playing games. He is active on Wattpad and his debut novel, Out of Time was released by Five Rivers Publishing in December of 2013. We had a great conversation that I think you will get a lot out of. I’ve also been working my way through first revisions of Mik Murdoch: The Power Within for my editor for almost two months now. I won’t deny that I find revisions to be somewhat grueling. You need to consider what […]

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