The Proof is the Next Step

The process of publishing a book can be a long one with many steps. The author, of course, has to present a clean, completed manuscript to a publisher. It has to be well-written and interesting and something the publisher is prepared to spend money on. Once that is agreed to, there is the contract, the editing, revisions, more revisions and finally a manuscript that is ready to see print. Or is it? The publisher then lays out the book and then… well then the laid out book is sent to the author (and other proof-readers) for final review as a galley. That is where I’m at right now. This minute, in fact. My publisher, Lorina, sent me my galley on […]

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A Bucketful of Announcements

I have talked on occasion about the various projects I’m working on. Up until now, I haven’t been able to give any dates when my projects are coming out. Well, that is over. At least, I can tell you about some of the projects I have coming out. So, here goes. Mik Murdock, Boy Superhero now has an official release date. It is scheduled for release August 1, 2012. There is one more edit to go and then the layout has to be done, galley’s reviewed and review copies sent out. It will be a busy few months coming up. Mad Scientist Anthology has been picked up by Five Rivers Publishing. Five Rivers has traditionally been a Canadian-only press however, Lorina […]

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Editing Update – My Transgressions Have Caught Up With Me

I have learned a lot in my current round of revising my “Mik Murdoch” manuscript. The very biggest lesson has been not to rush the story. I know I’ve mentioned this, but I sometimes find myself hurrying a story to finish it. It results in glossed over scenes, scenes that end too abruptly or just situations that are unlikely. As you might imagine, I’m getting tagged with more of those at the end of the book than I was at the beginning. So, I’ve been working for the past several days trying to get to that most sought after page, the last. Except, I keep getting tripped up with little comments like “Expand this” or “Ends too suddenly” or even […]

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