A Bucketful of Announcements

I have talked on occasion about the various projects I’m working on. Up until now, I haven’t been able to give any dates when my projects are coming out.

Well, that is over. At least, I can tell you about some of the projects I have coming out.

So, here goes.

  1. Mik Murdock, Boy Superhero now has an official release date. It is scheduled for release August 1, 2012. There is one more edit to go and then the layout has to be done, galley’s reviewed and review copies sent out. It will be a busy few months coming up.
  2. Mad Scientist Anthology has been picked up by Five Rivers Publishing. Five Rivers has traditionally been a Canadian-only press however, Lorina was sufficiently intrigued by the anthology’s premise that she has agreed to take it on as an Open Anthology. Jeffrey Hite and I are both very excited about this. The anthology is a for-love collection, but there are some nice perks for accepted authors.
  3. The Action Pack Podcast is coming out at the end of February. This podcast will be a lot of fun as it will feature three different story arc’s every month. My story is Boy Scouts of the Apocalypse.

Those are the projects that have release dates. I also have several that are on the go and should be ready in the coming months.

It’s so awesome to be able to share this with you. I hope it shows that persistence CAN pay off.

If you have any projects of your own coming to fruition, please comment. I’d love to hear what you are working on too.




  1. This makes me very happy for you! 🙂 Very happy indeed.

    The projects I’m currently working on? I actually got hit by a really interesting idea a week ago. It nearly knocked me out of my chair, tbh. lol It’s set in the Star Wars Universe. It’s mostly an exercise on focusing heavily on ‘show and don’t tell’. Also, I have never written in the Science-Fiction genre so it’s good for me in that regards, too.

    There’s also another project I’m working on to help raise money to save the oceans. It’s a … um…. well tbh a tentacle porn anthology. O.o Talk about pushing the boundries on this one, eh? lol

  2. Thanks Huushiita. Good luck with your two projects. They both sound interesting (and maybe a little odd too) 😉

    Keep me posted on how you are doing with them.

  3. I promise that I will be the first one to buy Mik Murdock. I’m starting a novel, however, with midterms and such it’s taking longer than I’d like.

    Great job Mik! 🙂

  4. Writing while you have other commitments is hard. The best way I’ve found is to take the few minutes you have here and there and use those as you writing time. Doing that, you can usually manage a few hundred words a day. That quickly becomes thousands and then, before you know it, the book is done.

    I hope Mik Murdoch meets with your expectations when it comes out. 🙂

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