Get Published Episode 81 – Paul E. Cooley, The Fiendmaster, Speaks

Mik Murdoch, Boy superhero is almost ready for the Advanced Reader Copies to go out. I’m busy proofing the galley right now. In fact, I stopped working on it to get this episode ready for you. Exciting times! I also wanted to put the word out to all of you mad scientists out there. Jeffrey Hite and I are co-editing an anthology of advice for the up-and-coming supervillain. Submissions are open until May 31. We have some good submissions so far, but we need more. If you are interested, check out Finally, before we get into the show I wanted to mention that it is once again Parsec awards season. I would dearly love to have Get Published nominated […]

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The Proof is the Next Step

The process of publishing a book can be a long one with many steps. The author, of course, has to present a clean, completed manuscript to a publisher. It has to be well-written and interesting and something the publisher is prepared to spend money on. Once that is agreed to, there is the contract, the editing, revisions, more revisions and finally a manuscript that is ready to see print. Or is it? The publisher then lays out the book and then… well then the laid out book is sent to the author (and other proof-readers) for final review as a galley. That is where I’m at right now. This minute, in fact. My publisher, Lorina, sent me my galley on […]

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Tunnel Vision

There are times when multi-tasking just isn’t the right answer. A perfect example of this is my revision work on Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. I have several projects on the go; some are writing and some are editing. And then there is Mik which is forthcoming (arguably editing, but a whole lot more, too). I want Mik Murdoch to be the best it can be. I want to justify all of the work my publisher and editor are putting into the book too. Therefore, when it came time to make the suggested revisions, I put all of my other projects away, rather than try to do bits of several everyday. It was really the only way I could get into […]

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Get Published Episode 80 – Tad Williams has Options

Happy April Fools Day to those of you listening to this episode on the 1st. To the rest of you, I hope you had a fun April 1st. There has been a lot going on around here lately. I managed to finish the final set of revisions on my upcoming YA Novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. Next is layout and sending out Advanced Reader Copies for review. This is pins and needles time for me. I really hope people like it and give me lots of good reviews! Now that revising Mik is out of the way (at least temporarily), I’m back to work getting GalaxyBillies ready for submission. In the off chance that you are an editor, agent or […]

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