Get Published Episode 78 – Anne Toole and Clarion West

I am very excited to announce the arrivial of The Action Pack Podcast. I’ve listened and read all three stories and I think they are great. Mind you, one of them is mine, so I’m probably just a little bit biased. The stories are also available as a monthly eMagazine that is available for $0.99. You can find out more at In this episode, my special guest, Anne Toole and I, talk about Clarion West. I’ve heard lots about the Clarion and Clarion West programs over the years and it was great to hear about it from someone who has experienced it. My friend and co-author, JR Murdock also lends his own unique perspective on writing with another Unorthodox […]

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Leaping for Joy!

How original. I am ripping off the fact that today is February 29th, a day that only comes around every four years. Mind you, if all the end-of-the-world quacks are right, it is also the last one we will ever have so why shouldn’t I take advantage of it? But why am I so happy? Well, beyond the obvious play on words, things seem to be coming together. It has been a long slog and I now know more than ever what Pip Ballantine was talking about when she was on Get Published. Her 12-year Overnight Success, indeed. I’m not quite to 12-years yet, but then, I’m not even close to what would be considered a writing success (again, yet). […]

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Get Published Episode 77 – The Skinny on the Mad Scientist’s Handbook

Last episode, I mentioned The Action Pack Podcast. Everything is just about ready for release. The first episodes of each of the three stories have been writen and recorded for the podcast and the scripts have been sent in for the eBooks. The website,, even has teasers for you to read. We’re all getting pretty excited to see and hear the first episode. I’ve also been making some good headway in my GalaxyBillies edits AND JR Murdock and I have the second book in our collaboration series about half-way plotted out. We’re just finishing the final edits on the first book so we can send it out to our Alpha readers. All that and I expect to see the […]

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Get Published Episode 76 – Talking Digital Rights with Zach Ricks

Last episode I mentioned a new project I’m working on with Jeffrey Hite. We are co-editing an Anthology I’ve referred to as the Mad Scientist Handbook. Well, the big news is, Five Rivers Publishing has agreed to take the project on. I believe this is going to be their first non-Canadian project.  Jeff and I have renamed the book to A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil. Submissions are open and you can find more information at I’ve also finished writing the first episode of Boy Scouts of the Apocalypse for The Action Pack Podcast. The first Action Pack episode along with the accompanying eBook will be available at the end of February. We have […]

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