Get Published Episode 56 – Jennifer Hudock & The Goblin Market

Happy May Day to those of you who celebrate it. We don’t observe May Day in Canada but I still love May 1st. It has always meant Spring to me and the beginning of great things to come. Maybe it’s because I can finally see the end of another long winter. This year it also helps highlight just how much I have going on. I guess I’d better get moving on all those projects. Since I wanted to mark the beginning of May in style, I am delighted to have both Jenny Hudock and CA Marshall on the show. Both are great ladies and people I highly recommend you get to know if you can. Jenny and I talk about […]

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How I hope to sell my books

I’ve been thinking a lot about books and how they are being published. Probably very much like a lot of you are too. The publishing industry is undergoing some extremely big changes from the way authors are signed to books published and finally distributed and sold. It seems to me that there is a parallel to the huge format change (albeit a small one) that has me thinking in a certain direction. The parallel I’m thinking of is that of DVD to Blu-Ray. You may argue that the change in format was a minor thing. The DVD’s published under the old standard continue to hit the shelves and the Blu-Ray are starting to fill the niche. Sounds a little like […]

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Get Published Episode 49 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point

We are coming up on episode 50 and I was planning on having a special interview with Robin Sullivan. Some of you may remember Robin from episode 38. Robin is the publisher for Ridan Publishing. When I first talked to Robin I knew she had a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. It wasn’t until I chatted with her via IM that I learned of her interest in self-publishing. As I said, I had planned on interviewing her about the topic of self-publishing and how it has changed for episode 50. Except, once she started talking I realized that there was much more information than a single show could hold. So I broke up the interview into two parts. […]

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