Second Book Angst

I’m busy revising Mik Murdoch: The Power Within for my publisher. After a bit of a shaky start, I think I’m hitting my stride…I think. The problem is, when I wrote this book, I knew it needed more of a continuous storyline than the previous one. The previous book, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero is very much an origin story. It is comprised of many little mini-stories that follow a larger plot. This one is more of a big-picture story that has mini-stories in it. I wrote the second book the way I did because I think it needs it. But, when I was writing it, I was concerned that the people who liked the first one would like it less […]

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Watch Out 2014

On only the second day of 2014, I’m back at it and moving fast. I kind of have to be. I have contracts for two books to come out this year (Mik Murdoch: The Power Within, 5 Rivers Publishing & Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty, Champagne Book Group/Burst Books) plus an anthology to put together and a possible self-published book as well. That, of course, doesn’t include writing more books and short stories, doing school visits and attending my first Calgary Young Writer’s Convention as a guest. Oh yeah…I think I might have a day job, family and podcasting to mix in as well. None of that lends itself to a slow, leisurely paced life for this year. But […]

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2013 Holiday Wishes

I had intended to put a post up for Christmas, but time got away from me. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and continue to enjoy the remaining days of 2013. I know 2014 is going to be another busy year for us all, so cherish these remaining days. And since my Christmas wishes were late, I will say Happy New Year, early. That balances everything out, right?

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Big News!

As you may know, J.R. Murdock and I collaborated a couple years ago on a book. We wrote what we hoped would be the first book in a new YA/Steampunk/Superhero series. Writing as a team was a real learning experience with ups and downs, but we managed to finish the book, currently titled “Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty”. J.R. wrote the protagonist POV and I wrote the antagonist. The story went through several editorial iterations before we felt it was ready to submit. And submit we did! And today, I am very pleased to announce that we have signed a book deal with Champagne Books. The book should be out in the fall of 2014. And, in case […]

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