Nearing the End (of the year)

The end of the year always feels like a deadline of sorts. I had a lot of plans and goals (both work and personal) set at the beginning of the year and now, I’m trying my very best to ensure that I’ve achieved them all. There are always a few things left hanging out there to be finished but this year I feel like I’ve had a good year. I didn’t get everything I’d planned finished, but I did get a lot of them. I also noticed that my writing seems to be gaining some momentum, which is also a very good thing. In fact, I am moving my own schedule ahead a bit to try and get even more […]

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Resetting the Clock

In the movie Pacific Rim, after every Kaiju attack the Marshall resets the clock. The clock is counting the time until the next attack. Before you start to panic, this isn’t exactly that kind of clock reset. No, the Kaiju that afflict me are less the 500-foot monster variety and more the, holy cow I’ve got a lot of clutter. In my case, the clutter takes the form of partially thought out projects, mostly complete projects, story ideas and so on. Every once in a while it makes sense to take a step back, list everything that I’m working on and reprioritize it all. Some of it becomes my immediate priority, others further down the line and still others might […]

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Resetting Expectations

I’ve talked about setting goals before. I am a big fan of using goals to succeed in my writing. Sometimes, unfortunately, I lose sight of my goals. It could be because of just about anything. Recently, concerns about my job were…distracting me from my writing. When that happens, it can be hard to get the writing, or whatever project the goal is related to, back underway. When I find myself floundering too long, I try to set a line in the sand to force myself back on track. For example, we were planning vacation and I knew we would be doing a significant amount of driving. Since my wife prefers to do the actual driving while I navigate (don’t laugh, […]

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Not Enough Hours in the Day

One of the things that always gets my creative juices flowing is the chance to meet and talk with other creative types, especially writers. That being said, you can imagine how much fun I had last night talking to the good folks at Flying Island Press on the Galley Table. This wasn’t my first time on the show, but it was the first time my co-writer and collaborator JR Murdock and I were on a show together. It is also the first time my alter-ego (JAHite on Twitter) and I appeared on the show at the same time. Let me begin by explaining the inside joke of JAHite and alter-ego. I made a comment a few weeks ago that Jeff […]

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