Never Done

I submitted my Mik Murdoch: The Power Within manuscript a few months ago. I will admit, when I emailed it to my publisher and editors it was with a sigh of relief and a hope for some downtime. What I always fail to do is consider all of the other stuff I have going on all the time. Yes, there is family, and house and work, but I’m talking about trying to move the writing career yardstick forward. That means, podcasting, blogging, more writing, submitting, editing, revising, plotting,  and networking. Did I mention website, promotion and marketing? I didn’t? Well, those also need care and attention.  I have attended no less than four conventions since turning in the manuscript. I have […]

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Get Published Episode 123 – VG Ford Discusses Serialized Fiction

I love writing, reading and listening to serial stories. Sometimes those stories are individual episodes of a bigger story and sometimes they are chapters of a story. Either way, they are fun for me. Don’t believe me? Check out my own serialized stories of Boyscouts of the Apocalypse and GalaxyBillies. Both are going up on Wattpad in case you are interested. So, when I heard that Val Ford, or VG Ford as she is known by for her writing, was coming out with a new, serialized Advent story, I knew we had to talk. This episode, you will be able to hear us talk about her stories and serializing fiction. I also wanted to let you know that there isn’t […]

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I’ve been talking (and thinking) about a newsletter for the website for the past few months. The problem with that is, neither talking nor thinking about something actually gets it done. So, the other day, while riding the train home I started putting together the newsletter on my iPad. But, what to put into it? Obviously, updates on my own progress with my writing – people wouldn’t have subscribed if they didn’t want to know about my various projects, would they? But, it has to be more than a means to shill out my work. There has to be something special that subscribers will get that no one else can. So what did I come up with? Well, in fact, […]

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The Jury is Still Out

I’ve finished putting Boyscouts of the Apocalypse up on Wattpad and I’m still waiting and watching to see if  I get the full results I was hoping for. So far, I’ve had a good response to the story. Not stellar, mind you, but good. The exercise has helped me to solidify my own plans for the story. And just what are those plans, you might ask (or perhaps you might not)? Well, since I’ve now got two books published (Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil), I’ve been wanting to try a few cross-promotion ideas. The problem with the aforementioned books is, my publisher has a stake in their well-being and […]

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